Friday, January 18, 2013

MAL 2013 part 4

Monday brought us back to reality with gathering all of our things and packing the suitcases for the trip home. In the spare minutes, I was able to set up lunch with our friend Ivory Mistress Jae, who lives in Frederick. She lived in Denver years ago, and we always love to see her, so she met us at Union Central Station for lunch. Two hours later, we headed back to the Smithsonian to the National Art Gallery to see one of Michaelangelo's unfinished sculptures of David. Of course, it is housed in a wing dedicated to Italian renaissance art, so I tormented Luckey with a discourse of why these portraits are so important to historical costumers. He was less than thrilled until we found a cluster of paintings focusing on St George and the Dragon.
When it was time to head back to grab our bags, we found out that his friends Kelev and Joshua offered us a ride to the airport - OK! That was very kind and saved us quite a bit of time on the Metro. Plus I finally got to meet them - super nice guys!
Reality kicked in on the long plane ride home. Usually it feels like going home is shorter than leaving for an event, but not this trip. The plane was packed and it just felt the air. Chris picked us up at the airport and we met Hayes for a quick dinner before parting ways.
Overall, the weekend was so many things - busy, crazy, fun, sexy, relaxing, exhausting, refreshing, inspiring, and so much more. Thank you to everyone we met, everyone we saw, everyone in the Centaurs for producing a successful weekend. Thank you to Chris and Hayes, for sharing us with the community this year - I know it's not always easy. And than you to Luckey, for taking this journey with me.

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