Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MAL 2013 part 1

4:30 am is not my favorite time of day, but boarding at 6:40 was our smartest time to fly if we wanted to see as much of DC as possible on Thursday. Luckey hasn't been before, and we're going to play tourist. Our friends Kinkster Kell and Kinkster Adam were sitting directly behind us on the flight. I would say Kell kicked my seat for the whole first half of the flight, but it was really just turbulence. It's the first event of the new year, and MAL weekend is going to be a blast!
Luckey used the airtime to work on artwork for the next Puppies In The Mountains poster and I worked on my blog. Puppies! We confirmed a date for the event - October 4 & 5, 2013. Woo Hoo!

Touring was fun, but a little taxing on my feet in 17" harness boots. My hiking shoes were still in transit. After walking my legs off, we made our way back to the hotel and got checked in. Our friend Robert arrived at the room, and we met friends for dinner. That night we helped our friends at CJ's Leather unload their vendor shop into the market and got busy socializing. I was reconnecting with people I've known for years, and Luckey was meeting people he's been talking to online or just introducing himself to new people. He's kinda fearless at that.

Friday morning found us up and moving early again for a day at the National Zoo! We were hunting penguins, pandas, and cows. Our friend Jessie joined us, and he's an amazing and wonderful man (even if he does feed the tree rats). The pups were tasked with finding the zoo and the proper visiting hours, so Jessie and I just followed along. We learned that cheetahs chirp. I thought it was a bird somewhere, but no. We watched their mouths move and this strange chirping sound came out. No penguins in the national zoo, but there were lions and tigers and panda bears! And two cows - I guess city kids need to see where milk and hamburgers come from. After the zoo we found the Natual History Museum and checked out the dinosaur bones and paid a visit to the Hope Diamond.
Fantastic dinner in a Kelly's Irish Times Pub - fish &chips, corned beef & veggies, mac & cheese with chunks of corned beef...mmmmm. Now it was time to pack up and change clothes to head off to Bear Happy Hour at Town. The original plan was for Luckey to do a rope suspension demo, but that did not work out. He did some standing bondage on Robert instead and we enjoyed the vibe for a few hours. Great dance music and lots of hot guys everywhere! Back to the host hotel for the DC boys of Leather party and more social time. Jessie spent the whole day running around with us, and he brought so much joy and fun to the day - if you ever get the chance to spend the day with Mr San Francisco Leather 2012 - Do it!

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