Wednesday, January 16, 2013

MAL 2013 part 2

Saturday was going to be exciting - puppy mosh day! We got up and moving around 9am, a little more slowly after two very full and busy days, and started on our third. After breakfast, Luckey and Robert went roaming aroud the hotel and socializing and I spent a few hours working in CJ's Leather. Time flew, and it was off to the pit! We'd contacted the Mid Atlantic Kennel Klub earlier to alert them to Luckey's honey allergy and offer to bring gummy bears, so there was very low concern about treats. At the mosh area, we met Slavepup Axel, and decided to talk about title stuff later after the playtime! And away they went - mosh mosh mosh sniff push wiggle scratch rub bark howl mosh mosh mosh. Luckey met his match in Pup Tank, the first pup to square off with Luckey and flip him in a puppy bulldozing match. Luckey's eyes went HUGE. All the hard playing pups wore themselves out in the first hour, and dragged themselves off to the edges of the moshpit area to chat and get acquainted. All the smaller, less rowdy pups kept playing for the full two and a half hours, and I stayed busy throwing balls, rubbing bellies, and scritching ears. This was a blast! Post mosh, Luckey went to get cleaned up and patch up his knees and elbows, and I went back to work for a few more hours at CJ's until it was time to get changed and dress up.
Leather Cocktails is where you put on your shiny best dressy leathers and socialize, drink, and snack in the company of your shiny dressed up friends for a few hours. There's always some beautiful leathers on display, and lots of hot men as well. Good discussions, networking, and hanging with the extended family is a great way to spend a few hours anywhere you go. They wrapped up with a Parade of Colors to pay respect to the various clubs that traveled to support the event. Then it was back to the market, the lobby, the bar to shop, cruise, and drink. I sat in the restaurant at dinner with some long-time friends catching up on our lives while Luckey and Robert made several forays out into the crowd and hotel, always coming back to check in every hour or so. We also made plans to visit the DC Coast for dinner on Sunday night after things slowed down. This is a favorite dinner spot for several of us, and while the food is stunning, the service is stellar, so I was excited to take Luckey to one of my favorite spots in DC. Bedtime came early (sort of) because we had Titleholder Breakfast at 8am on Sunday.

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